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The Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge | Adam Marshall Dobrin on Facebook and Twitter | The Matchbox | The Revelation of Christ | An Ongoing Saga
This is the Second Coming. Please say "hi" to Adam... on twitter: @yitsheyzeus
Here's some videos: The Sign of the Son, The Holy Grail, What if God had a name? Let's get this party started. (with an RT and #reallyhim) It's time to change the world.
![]() | Adam Marshall Dobrin |
Victory of the Well? Free-press? |
A paper of Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg in this journal in 1994 made the extraordinary claim that the Hebrew text of the Book of Genesis encodes events which did not occur until millennia after the text was written. In reply, we argue that Witztum, Rips and Rosenberg's case is fatally defective, indeed that their result merely reflects on the choices made in designing their experiment and collecting the data for it. We present extensive evidence in support of that conclusion. We also report on many new experiments of our own, all of which failed to detect the alleged phenomenon.
Orwell, Orson Wells, James Clerk Maxwell; from Min to Me;
These clippings, from www dot whenistheapocalypse dot com are written sometime in 2012, and published in Timelike Synchronicity in 2013. Ostensibly they are intended to be used as verifiable proof that our history has been designed by the same hand which has influenced the development of language. I believe that the number of instances of patterns following this sequence is enough to call into question everything we believe about history--that is what religion and the introduction of proof of time travel does either way.
The Synchronicity of Nash, Matthews, and Angleton
In a parallel to the timelike synchronicity between Huxley and Orwell, Nash and Matthews share equidistant 81 years between their schizophrenia diagnoses in 1797 and 1959, respectively; and the recording of the disease in 1878, by Emil Kraepelin combined the various diseases of the mind, who named it 'Dementia Praecox'.
Angleton has his own timelike synchronicity revolving around 1959, with his entry to the Army and his resignation from the CIA exactly 16 years equidistant, in 1943 and 1975.
Both Angleton and Nash would have feature films created about them, depicting and clearly reinforcing the belief that they were suffering from paranoia.
You are about to be enlightened.
Through a prophetic message cleverly hidden surrounding the Dystopic works of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley in it is a linear pattern in time which points to the 4 year period for the Apocalypse between 2012 and 2016 — or right this very minute. The message itself, it's spanning of multiple generations proves that it has been intentionally left for us to find. The technology being used, has been viewed as occult magic, but it's actually based on modern science, and this is the whole point.
The apocalypse… that a hidden force has used advanced physics to manipulate our thoughts since the birth of our civilization. Through the Genesis Synchronicity the allegorical works of Orwell and Huxley describe the Modern Fall of Man. A parallel exists in the work of Phillip K. Dick, and his visions of the future.
"I occasionally think, how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask is not an alien force already among us?"
Ronald Reagan
All around you the world is changing, and a hidden conspiracy, The Octopus has been working feverishly to create a New World Order in which you, are a nobody. This is the prophesied battle between the Synagogue of Satan and the Forces of Good, and this time of great upheaval will, with your help, result in a lasting victory for the common good.
Why is this message significant?
The message itself has a very high statistical significance, but more importantly the meaning of it has such a high correlation between the content of 1984 and Brave new World and the real world machinations revealed in everything from JFK to Reaganto The New World Order that it should be obvious that this was the whole point of the message, and linking them together via synchronicity. "Doom and gloom" is a reflexive tool, it's time to stop being upset that things have gone down hill, and start taking baby steps back up to the top.
It's to give you a reason not to believe….
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For thousands of years, the induction of insanity via a technological weapon has been viewed as the weapon of the devil. Satan has long been a tool of an extraterrestrial influence, one to shed blame to. Demonic possession has been fought by the Churches of our past as a real weapon attributed to a real enemy. Today that enemy is more prevalent than ever, and its true nature is being revealed to the world. It's power is the ability to both subtly and overtly manipulate the minds of humans, and in modern times it has been written about repeatedly as an infestation within global government, a secretive force which manifests itself in positions of power and greed. This force is alien, and its technology far advanced from the equipment utilized by our own intelligence agencies, who have most likely searched for and obtained mind control technology in an attempt to understand this influence—of which they are fully aware.
This extraterrestrial influence is now, and has always used a group of humans in order to carry out its hidden war against humanity. It uses mind control, the artificial induction of delusion, and this human force in order to commit atrocities, using a force it later will destroy, thus blaming its enemies for committing these acts on its behalf. In the late 50's it used the USSR in the cases of l John Nash and James Jesus Angleton, and today it uses the CIA, NSA and law enforcement of the United States. The MK-ULTRA and related projects which occurred shortly after the crash of an alien vessel at Roswell, NM prove beyond a reasonable doubt that our government is aware of an extraterrestrial influence over humanity.
Reinforced with timelike synchronicity.
Cases of experiencing the hidden influence of the Octopus are not limited to those with questioned sanity however, in the recent past a wave of writers who have first hand testimony related to the machinations of an alien influence with advanced technology have become prevalent in the fringe. More importantly, many of these writers have been murdered with the very same technology, with strokes, heart attacks, and forced suicides being highly prevalent among writers describing the Octopus. Danny Casolaro, Jim Keith, John Norseen, and Frank Olssen are just a few of those who have been "killed for their testimony." It is the deaths of these people caused by control of the sympathetic nervous system, as well as the apparent induction of insanity in other victims which proves beyond any doubt that the mechanism of action is working mind control technology.
Thousands upon thousands of knowing victims exist today, and yet their testimony is completely ignored by law enforcement and the general public despite the fact that the use of the technology and the organization involved are proven by those mentioned above. They have been overtly told of the type of weapon used against them, yet their cries fall on deaf ears almost universally.
The claims of victims like Nash, Angleton, Casolaro, and Matthews all contain a significant number of commonalities and facts which are later verified. The underlying theme however, is of an alien or foreign influence which controls a large group of humans of all walks of life with the intention of subverting the government and our societal way of life. There is no logic in believing complaints of a conspiracy to infiltrate the government are the result of a delusion, rather than the result of first hand experience and witnessing of exactly what they described. A number of the claims of these victims are verified later, including Nash, Angleton, and Casolaro — yet still no action is taken.
It's time to wake up and take notice, we are being attacked, and we don't even know it. The perception of insanity has been used to hide the existence of an ongoing invasion of a hidden influence in our society, it must not be ignored any longer.
George W. Bush told you clearly who the assailant is, the angel riding in the whirlwind, pitting a war between freedom and fear. Do not let fear and ignorance win.
I respectfully take back the last paragraph. If you really want to know who the enemy truly is, watch Almost Famous. I'm here for you.
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