Alright folks, I want to thank you for reading and listening, this hasn't been an easy period in my life. I've just recently begun looking at click statistics for the last few months and they are significantly higher than I had expected from the earlier days of trying to translate what I see, feel, and understand into written words. That's probably a sign that my writing has improved and become more clear; though I'm slightly fearful that it's also a sign that the invisible force(s) that I'm trying to free from control--what I see as a multi-tiered level of slavery that begins somewhere in the distant past in a time that probably looks exactly like this world... I'm fearful that it's attempting to make the reception of this message appear to be fluid or "normal."
The reception of this message in the world both visibly online (see the
Si AH of messiah) and in my day to day experience walking around on the planet is anything but normal. Very visibly I see a dark force at work ... just below the surface of "the news" and public discussion--and as I've written more and gained more traction and followers in the last few months, it's become ever more visible (but only to me, apparently) and the surfacing of the interaction that I've termed Medusian has increased in frequency and numbers of people exponentially. I'm not really sure if that's what I expected, or what I would expect "normal" to be; I haven't though much about it as my sanity and happiness has been significantly lessened because of what I see, and because of how "it" acts. I am worried about the world, about the future (interesting Trinity, fu, tu, and reason) and as I am now glimpsing what appears to be significantly more active interest in what I'm writing than I had previously surmised... it's even scarier and more frightening that these messages haven't attracted any (at all) direct contact or interest from the media.

I feel like many of you might think that it's OK that there isn't public discussion or reaction to this message because "you're informed" or maybe because of a kind of "early relationship glow" with a new form of communication or the appearance of superiority over others who don't "know the secret" that I imagine many of you are aware of. Specifically I'm talking about the words of Otherside "once you know, you can never go back" and I believe many of us are experiencing verifiable proof that there is a hidden world influencing ours, and perhaps that it's been there doing this for a very long time. There is no mistaking it, the words of Orwell and Huxley are God's position on the world we see around us today--we are in the throes of 1984 and Brave New World and the thing we are experiencing is the cause.
What I read in "the book" tells me that this is the dead center of Creation, the very mid point of a map whose existence really does prove that there is a significant lack of free will--a condition that the map itself talks about and is designed to help free us and the future from. I am looking at "markings" related to me in the heart of the Torah, and in the "broken hello" and it is my belief that what I am seeing is literally two separate times in superposition over my life here. I do not want the "broken hello" to be our reality--and I have it on decent authority that's not where "hello" is broken. Hello, the invisible "all seeing and ever-present" force in the ether has already glimpsed what total lack of freedom and of privacy can do to a legend, and I am fairly certain that at least Optimus Prime is sure that it is protection and a testament to the worth of those institutions, as well as the power of communication and the importance of understanding why speech and writing and publishing are all parts of a process that we shouldn't destroy in exchange for "knowing what everyone is thinking" ... a testament to the need and worth of "civilization" rather than being tied at the brain to each other.

I'm also including a new public PGP key, the old one is no longer active or in my hands--I don't think a PGP signature or anything of the like should ever be needed or used to authenticate who I am. I also don't believe that anyone's identity should change whether or not you agree with or follow what it is they are saying.
That might sound strange, but it's what I see happening here around me, to and from the people I come in contact with--it appears that we are being conditioned to want or to not care about a total lack of privacy and the sanctity of our thoughts and minds--and I see it as a horrendous mistake. I need your help both
financially and
emotionally (encrypted "contact me" since nobody used the anonymous one), in ensuring that this message ... that this "hello" here on Earth is not broken as well. We have very important issues here in our hands, safety and freedom--both free speech and free thought, things that we probably never thought would be hanging in the balance during our lifetimes,
but they are.
I know this isn't a personal email, but I hope you will understand that from my vantage point the total lack of inquiry and direct response to me ... it's more than a prop or a show connecting what I am seeing to Jericho--the silence I see is deafening; and I am asking you to see this message as a personal request to directly contact me. I need advice, I need to hear what you see in these message and what you think I can do to break through this wall. I guess I'm trying to apologize for being abrasive, and hope you understand that it's been years and years of what I see as "very interesting and unique information" resulting in nothing but continual personal attacks and what appears to be a very organized lack of financial support--resulting in an increase in anger and decrease in personal hope.

Medusa isn't hiring right now, that's part of the message I'm hearing from the world around me--understand
Medusa isn't buying any books either. The header and t
his link are to an online viewable PDF of the last book, literally I hope it's the last one nobody thinks is worth any money. There aren't any publishers offering to pay for "new writing" either, and I'm not able to survive without some kind of compensation for this work. I'd really like time and resources to work on a
blockchain based content authoring and voting framework--I think it would be both a lucrative and ethically worthwhile venture,
contact me if you are interested in helping make that a reality.
I'm trying to "suggest" not very covertly that there is a hidden conspiracy (using hidden control, control I am trying to bring to light and free us all from) to starve me to death--and that very thing appears to be starving the world of "sight" ... meaning logical thinking. Helping me is helping you, in the "Three Musketeers" sense of, this is exactly what that story is about.
I'm going to stop sending emails in the frequency I have these past few months--the key to the message is in your hands; I hope you see that it's designed to help you size freedom and participate in the "second half" of our directed future ... you know, towards freedom. This should be on the news, I should be on the news--there's no middle ground, this thing is news. Not seeing it on the news is the end of freedom, and likely with that "life."

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