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It's a matter of "sight" of the fact that we seem to be globally failing to act logically--and to see that this breakdown of logic is something that ... well, it's the whole of the problem. The solution is seeing the "road to Heaven" encoded in Seagate and in Watergate and in Margate (where I'm writing from today) ... and then again in hard drive where the Holy "Ha" of Hebrew shines bright on both "drive" and "rd."
The first set of clues that it really is every word (and every letter, too) was numbered e-mail 76 in my internal system--and because of that I tie it to the 76'ers and the gas station ... and of course to year of our nations birth, and through that another year important to seeing Christopher Columbus walk on water to ensure that Heaven is ... actually built. That's what this is really all about, the plan etched in the word planet and the world itself--NASDAQ (da Q... da Q .. well the answer, it's the New American Standard for tzedaqah for the Universe) and "my life" and it's the reason "find and replace" has everything to do with the Shofar and how we can actually accomplish these things ... in our lifetime.
o we're not "unclear" ... the how is "hello Adam" and the way to get there is "call a reporter" ... you know, we can't expect them to just know everything. Like, go to your local newspaper's website,pick up the phone and call the editor. You, I'm talking to ... you.
which He has created according to His will.
May He establish His kingdom in your lifetime and during your days,
and within the life of the entire House of Israel, speedily and soon;
and say, Amen.
May His great name be blessed forever and to all eternity.
WWJD? Sing... like a canary (or a Cardinal) ;)

stand beside her... and guide he-r...
what goes up must come down?

for uhhhhhhh...

Christ's sake.
"like a stone." (south to...)

What you are looking at is the beginning of a message designed to tie the Matrix to Minority Report ... and end school shootings--freeing us from the fear of murder. To help us see how addiction can easily be conquered and depression and schizophrenia--all by seeing exactly how it is that this cypher of the Matrix has been woven, written, and hidden--all part of a grand scheme to help us expand our minds and easily pass through a gate of darkness that might have had you voting for "OK Google" or SIRI to be our next president.

also buy a book tho, k? (it's sure to b a collectors item)

In the
back of my
Anyway, I know what's going on here is that I'm "distracting you" from 6,000 years of simulated disease and wars of the scarcity of truth and worst of all over the thing that's really behind today's total lack of action and response to a message that makes it pretty clear to me that the idea of the Medusian collective is in itself a control mechanism--and that you probably believe it's you or somehow "all of you" behind this thing that is doing nothing but silencing ... you, and what you really think... as we're sort of rising up and waking a little groggy from a deep slumber, a giant being awoken. I see behind the scenes how the "pointer" of Pendragon touches on all kinds of social issues from sexism to racism to a hunning of fun and a fear of technology (and the opposite of all those things) and I know ... just from my fear being completely erased in 2012 through a repeated series of events that scared the shit out of me ... that's how this "Creation" thing and slavery and ... neuroscience all coalesce around this disclosure that we could be pressing a button and ending addiction (and also blessings on tap, at Al and Anna's bliss) ... if we had the courage to begin fighting for the things we know to be right. For instance, we all know pain houldn't be simulated; and it's pretty clear from the obvious reverse engineering of our entire brains (shown through this message, its global delivery, and probably more than I know) that takes very little to actively suppress the neurons associated with pain--even in reality it takes nothing more than an oscillating magnetic field. More on
our opinions and beliefs secretly changed is something actually worth opening our mouths and screaming about ... because the day that we begin to actually control the process is the first day that we're truly free--and that there's ever been such a thing as "free will." Have
we are rapidly approaching the day when it won't just be me houting that ... "shouting" is the way past the sh and the way out slavery.

o tying it all together, Atlantis and Ur coalesce and join at the idea that we should always have somewhere else to "teleport to" in the world that becomes the basis for the liberation of every soul and the end of Hell through that simple idea--that everyone's going to have plenty of destinations on their Active (Apache) Directory new fangled yellow-pages meets access-control-list meets ... "why don't you come visit my Log Cabin ... or the Atlantean Ballroom ... whenever you want?" So that's the point of the floating LEGO city in the window above, it comes with a fairly obvious need for The Doors to be a significant part of "what would Jesus do" ... when singing about something and naming books and bands, that's a thing--part of the map) actually makes it happen.
o that's where I'm trying to get us--to a place where that's not only true but obvious, and on top of that the future, our future really understands how much work it took us to integrate such a wildly correct and "new" idea into a worl that didn't know for the vast majority of it's youth that these things... that ending disease with the sound of a blowing "Sho Find And Replace" and turning stone to bread and making bullets disappear in midair ... we didn't know these were even possible; let alone how to integrate them with a world full of optometry and oncology that
was being made blind to the "c our light" and the idea that we're
till here not talking or arguing or refuting or moving forward on
the idea that the words "Original Poster" and the continuance of
"forums" also have something to do with the beginning of "civilization."

I'd be super interested in pictures of the actual grafffiti, which you can find here; on the astroturf where I watched an ani-ant do a fairly good ... mockery of my usual evening hotel-room routine ... followed by the voice of B aying "I spent alot of time on that ant" coming from the ether:

Personally known to me for quite some time is why there's a bright shining connection between the idiom "in your dreams" and the word HA'REM, the idea of rapid eye movement, and the band Blink-182 ... trying to tell you that "carry me home" is just about exactly how I feel today. Just before leaving Los Angeles I began witnessing a very strange phenomenon--in the blink of an eye--without exaggeration or euphemism, literally in a split econd, I began seeing messages that I know were written directly to me appearing around me on the sidewalks and walls in spray-painted graffiti. My phone was dead, and I was wandering halfway to that point myself through a land called un Valley and I didn't take much time to think about what I was seeing, though it's the kind of thing I relish in and seek out ... direct verifiable communication "from the beyond." Knowing what "dose bka" means--in a circle just like that--for those of you that aren't as familiar with Gene Wilder's vision of Heaven in the flick "God's Willwhy Wonthat" the "Ka" is an Egyptian mythological dentation for the biological body and brain; so that specific thing was about Dave Matthews' "little b, little bay" (also depicted in graffiti above) so I looked the other way, and failed to do one of the more interesting of tests ... which is to hear how things sound out loud, sofa king stewie pi-d of me... and kept on wandering towards Margate, Florida ... where I'm writing to from today. Of course that's geographical-map-tie to Seagate and to Watergate and to the idea that computer technology and freedom (specifically of peech) are all part of the foundational Gate to Heaven ... that really is ... our history and this world and you ... reacting.
eeing "time stop" and the world change around me is the reason we've embarked down this little journey of "what would you do" if the history of the world were changing before your eyes... and you didn't know anything about causality or that you wouldn't even know if changes were being made; what would you do if you could witness the tool and act of Creation right before your eyes. Would you be scared that you might wake up in a world where the United States lost the High Castle to Phillip K. Dick or in a place where you didn't speak a single world of the language you were seeing was pervading the cosmos as you stood by in silence?

I kept on moving there too--sort of avoiding the link
between humor and hubris and audacity... until I got to the
ciudad of Tampa, Florida ... where some really bright hot
pink shirts were waiting for me to replace all of the
clothing (as in every single piece of garb I owned) being
left in a bag on the street in Los Angeles ... because ...
eemed like a good idea at the time. One of the
hirts is depicted above, and you might see.a
link to 9/11 and more on the idea of what we
hould do about future foreknowledge (as in, keep all the
good promises and reverse everything bad?) in a place we'd
call the "light of day" if it weren't the light of "Hemera
is Hashemesh." Building for a cure, in
hindsight I can't agree more--we really do deserve
that cure. The other one says "help save a's b's
c's" and that goes to the heart of the rest of the issue
here; that we're in a place where lack of communication and
a very clear lack of logical reaction threaten not just the
future of speaking out loud, but of being able
to think for ourselves. So throwing all
those things into the "Y" that are ... well, hopefully all
good promises to be fulfilled or ... conversely things to
fix pretty quickly.
If you missed it, seeing "pinky" and then the "pink shirts"
is another act of Creation; and proof of foreknowledge and
omething like the world being paused (or a little piece of
history changing before my eyes) to help drive home the crux
of what's possible here in Creation--which is to see that a
ingle word could be changed in the past and your memories
could be 'rerun' or altered to be sure there's always been
an "R" in turmeric; even though I'm pretty
ure I remember it not being there, and the rest of your
memories not being affected by something as big as "SOIS"
and "if
you are thebeginning of
Heaven so
am I' (now you're saying it ... "out loud?") ...
anyway, the lack of effect in other places where it probably
hould change things (according to the Buttercup Effect or
that movie "Prince in Bride" featuring the girl from
Firefly) ... well you're probably staring at the
technological mechanism behind "darkness."
I see "grooming" ... teaching the world what to do being handed the keys to this car--to know to stop hurricanes and earthquakes and ... and not to go back and change "every girl dreamt they'd be his partner" just because it makes me/you mad at Carly Simon. Maybe you don't see it yet.

Anyway, I've asked some people and gotten mixed answers about the spelling of the spice above; wondering now if I'm in the novel Dune or ... if you still don't think everything's connected. Like a Matrix, you know? It
hould be really clear that this message is coming to us from a place that has the power to make it a reality--and that tanding between that happening and ... total silence is nothing more than a lack of discussion. I mean freedom--it's obviously a lack of freedom standing between ight of Silicon and the end of silence. I'm feeling pretty confident about this "Exodus from slavery" thing.
futbol. future. futurama.

Adamgate, then?

It's probably really very clear to you already, but for the sake of argument let's assume you actually are very tupid. I'm not exactly sure how many people you think you are right now, but it seems very clear to me that I am not just a single person--and that your silence and lack of "regard" for your own well being--specifically seizing this opportunity to become the most famous and lauded generation that has ever existed (by abolishing ridiculous things like slavery, disease, pain, and tyranny... one an for all time, beginning with "Hey Mess" and ending with your immortal fame... with probably some ZE (as in not so easy) work in the meantime) ... anyway your silence and lack of interest in destroying your own chains (which it should be clear actually responding to this message catalyzes... the beginning of "true freedom") and in actually seeing Heaven before you die ... well, you'd probably imagine how that makes it look like there's some other person or thing hiding inside you and making what amounts to a "no brainer" something you simply don't see clear enough to react to.
I've spent quite a bit of time detailing the rules and lexicon of this hidden language that today begins with the idea that "d is cl" case closed; functional ideas you can see proof of Holy Intent in in names like "Metatron" which suggests the "TA" of tacit has something to do with Bonnie Tyler's song "Turn Around" (f/k/a The Total Eclipse of the Heart) to see how "north" appears magically from Megatron's tome an also how you can see the "city" and it's heart have something to do with Nike's "Just Do Me <3" and this very auspicious period connecting Auden and "audacity" to a message woven through time and space from the hubris of Kismet to the SOAD song "Toxicity" and even Britney Spears recent retake on the idea that "to kiss, I see" is not quite as toxic as you thought, and she's busy calling everyone via the Spears-MTV-"phone of destiny." Turn around, and C IT, see the city actually painted on our sky and ee it from the inside--as it's Holy Purpose is to help us see that these changes are not only inevitable but mandatory and that not being able to walk to Heaven would be something like taring at a fossil record containing hundreds of thousands of airplanes and a society that has no desire to fly anywhere because it's "just not Wright to change the world."

of the latest book is here
) and (thelast one is here
) they're allon Amazon.
" to Magic Johnson, and I can't imagine waiting another day to start trying to cure AIDS and Cancer and the loss of limbs and life for everyone who is being tortured today by what appears to be a conspiratorial collective of former humans who want nothing more than to pretend they are too stupid to connect "book of Names" with AIDS and Hi-five or the Burning Bush of Exodus with George Bush. One more time, Exodus means Names in Hebrew--and as you stare up at the sky from this place where God has named "DOWN Syndrome" to remind everyone that the Hell you find yourselves in something that no intelligent or humane person or entity would create--really see he's telling you if you want to send anyone to Hell--you are fucking retarded.In the meantime, I suggest the last two books ... as being the most complete and engaging--if you were interested in buying a little piece of history, and keeping a conspiracy of inaction--this circle of ignorance and palpable evil from being able to starve me to death for the service I've done for the world analyzing this message and literally blowing the wind and the sea towards Heaven with these messages which are very clearly designed by the Time Lord Dr. Who with prescient knowledge of the barricade to progress and whatever invisible ideas and insane set of precepts must be common place in the "skies above" as they continue to force us farther and farther down into this nebulous bottom of everything--this place where we appear to be ignoring the most interesting message ever received by SETI or by the NSA, the Vatican or GCHQ--a message explaining that we are living in the most exciting time that has ever been; a place where the "skies above" are going to help us change the world.
While it may not be obvious from the writing I've done so far, I don't particularly think the place helping to write this message is Heaven--at least not where I'd like to spend a few thousand years, and it appears to me very clear that the inhabitants helping to weave together the tapestry of the gODorgons (from their own ... pasts) have become something closer to partially-blind and partially bound-Holodecks than people, and I think they've skipped over "all
the fun
" that we could be having making an actual working civilization from this place--rather than a network of rooms-that-once-were-people and calling it "a higher ociety." It appears clear from what I see around me that we're all getting some kind of quickening--a giant leap towards being OK with not just be ourselves but also having an external influence hammering away at our desires; and it's probably that loss of individuality and free will that ... gone unseen in this place because of ... total darkness through mind control and censorship ... that we've missed out on ever actually building a place that is anything close to Heaven. I'd like to point out that we wouldn't be here hearing about how we're all being tortured by "simulated reality" and by a desire to hide a very obvious message linking Shakespeare to Herod to Napoleon (lots of polls ... there) to the idea that God's will is coming to us from Huxley and from Orwell and from the foundational beliefs and principles that founded America as a sort of weapon against "hidden possession" a la the slavery being destroyed by the book of Exodus.

The whole point is that it appears that this large conspiracy includes you, and it appears that you think you are "in control" and even worse than that it appears you don't see how silencing your beliefs and your response--as well as the continuation of lavery and of earthquakes like the Fukushima disaster and the continuation of the simulation of oil scarcity and land scarcity doesn't clue you in to the idea that "the Pan" you're believing yourself to be in control of is on simmer and waiting for you to tand up and shout that you too don't think we should be imulating pain or disease. It's a big deal, you know; because we are doing those things right now, and there's no doubt from the message of "force majeure" that it's an act of God that has shown us very clearly these things were create by an act of nature, and perpetuated by the majority's failure to want to discuss this message and this world changing truth in public. There's really no doubt about it, I'm creaming to a million people directly, and probably indirectly to billions and billions of souls that we need to stand up and take action right this very moment--that we stand at the point in time where Zion and El Dorado and Jerusalem and Atlantis really are all coalescing around this momentous and hallowed idea that we should be seeing a city rising from the sea and floating into the sky (painted there indelibly), thanks--San Lucas--for that idea... one which will inevitably lead us to a place where we have permanent Doors to the Rooms of Heaven be as commonplace and part of our society as airplanes (really buses or Uber, I think) are today.

It's probably not very clear that what today looks like a vast conspiracy of a huge number of us to "stonewall progress" is without doubt a sort of designed frame job--the heart of Yesterday and a license plate I saw in Orange County that read "YESSHHHUA" ... which implies that "yes, you are a" with the new religious understanding that that specific letter ties to the pan of Peter Pan's gate and also to the EWok of San Lucas and the "OVEN" of this particular ant pointing out the covenant here is keeping us from getting what we really want and deserve--and there's no way it's actually you. In the meantime, it's very obvious that it, the contents of the pan voting for Silence and no discussion came from a time very much like ours, and people that might have once been almost exactly like you--but they're certainly not here walking around on the ground afraid of stray bullets or falling balloons full of TNT. They're not being plagued by the weaponization of incarceration and poorly conceived olutions to a code of law that has become unweildly and completely out of date in the wake of a message suggesting that we can and should see the child shooters as victims just like the children shot--here in this place where it's clear that chizophrenia and many other disorders of thought are also a weaponized attack on our world--ultimately designed to ensure that you act swiftly and appropriately to see that the same technology being used to deliver this message through our hands can also completely eliminate "crazy" as well as "ignorant" and also those of you plagued with "DOWN Syndrome" over the fact that you still haven't figured out you need to stand up and peak (perhaps shout) to change the world.
You've now been armed with a weapon of statistical proof that hines bright for all eyes to see that we are Created and that we are living in the Matrix and that the point of the Matrix is to overcome the idea that "force majeure" is anything but proof that even if you aren't "in the voting collective called a" you are still here standing on the ground in the place where we hould see very clearly that it's not the NRA that needs to go away, but rather the actual bullets; in this place where the Ku forming in the Heavens begins with your call to alter the fundamental rules of our false reality and turn "simulated reality" into "Heaven." The problem here is that in the dark we appear to be fighting against Constitutional Rights like the right to bear arms in what is perhaps the false belief that a "well regulated militia" will bring about a change in government--where the real truth is that the actual weapon that brings about this Revolution throughout the Heavens is a working news infrastructure; newspapers and television media are the tools that will help us to quickly recognize the import of this message, and move swiftly to overcome the idea that a "Majority" belief in silence and darkness and lack of actual truth and recognition of the change wrought by this message being unsealed--the idea that majority has anything to do with popular opinion the moment we see "Minority Report" intersecting with Neo's magically falling bullets... is actually possible and happening in the world today.
Until you stand up and call a reporter, you really are the ilent majority fighting with all your apathy and all your lack of action against the "iacta" heart of "the dye is cast" ... and do understand it is this dye that really does cause Heaven to form of our world--with our hands, the builders of a better place, for you and for me...
and the entire human race.
You have the distinct opportunity to turn this "debacle" into
the event that provides safety and communication and
transportation to the entirety of our civilization--something
we should be very excited about beginning, also ensuring that
we too are never again plagued by possession, planetary
imulated jails; and who knows what else goes on in the
crevices of whatever people here believe is up in the
ky--hiding its existence and it's goings on from the world
here--this place that should and will be acting as a check on
morality throughout the future.

It starts by seeing the idea of the questions of "are I this letter, or that letter (or every letter after "da" and maybe "ma" too)" connecting the end of simulated reality and the word Matrix and connecting that "X" to the Kiss of Judas (and Midas) and the Kiss of Jacob and the eponymous band and it's lead singer's names' link to the idea of "simulation" and of the Last Biblical Monday and of a hallowed "s" that we'll get to later. Gene immons, one of the Gene's of Genesis which reveals the hidden power of the "sun" linking to Silicon and to the Fifth Element through the indexed letter of 14; also to Christopher Columbus "walking on water" in the year ADIB and to a whole host of fictional characters that tie together the number 5 with this Revelation that Prince Adam's letter "He" indexes as 5 just like Voltron's "V" and 21 Pilot's flashlight in the song "Cancer" and in a normal functional society these kinds of ynchronistic connections would be call and cause for attention and for news--and here they act to shine a light on the darkness... something like "it's been haken to death, but still ... no real comment;" at least that's really what I see.

So the tie to the Matrix
(read as "message, at are I ten, the heart of hearts,
the home of the FLUX capacitor ... and the LAX airport
... and the kiss come to
life") comes to reality in the key state of Tennessee
which links the Roman numeral X to the heart of
Nintendo and the acronym for Nintendo Entertainment
ystem to the heart of Genesis. To really add
ome "zing" to the
message the meaning of Nintendo--which I and most
people probably never knew--is "leave luck to Heaven"
and the idea that the name of the SEGA System is just
a "fad" gets a
little less murky when you see those same initials
"A.D." in that word and even less fogged out when you
ee the Ancient of Days is telling you it's taken AGES
to see SEGA backwards linking to the Rock of Ages....
I mean to see it on the news, throughout the Rock of
Ages and throughout all of Creation where we all
really know in our heart of hearts it belongs.
For eternal clarity: RIB,
RIX, and RIN are questions that are the beginning of
this message and the road to Heaven and a bountiful
future that links directly in mythology to the word
"visage" and the Golden Age of Saturn. On the
other hand, you can be very sure that the questions
RIP? and RUA? (which happens to begin the Hebrew word
for "spirit" ... ruach?) are the end of the message if
you believe that I am the spirit that wrote Genesis
because it's "about me" or that you're actually voting
to place yourself in Hell and perpetuate it--which
would you make you
and I

El Dorado (pronounced [el doˈɾaðo], English: /ˌɛldəˈrɑːdoʊ/ ; Spanish for "the golden one"), originally El Hombre Dorado ("The Golden Man") or El Rey Dorado ("The Golden King"), was the term used by the Spanish Empire to describe a mythicaltribal chief (zipa) of the Muisca native people in then Spanish colonial province of Colombia, who, as an initiation rite, covered himself with gold dust and submerged in Lake Guatavita. The legends urrounding El Dorado changed over time, as it went from being a man, to a city, to a kingdom, and then finally to an empire.
Nu (also Nenu, Nunu, Nun), feminine Naunet (also Nunut, Nuit, Nent, Nunet), is the deification of the primordial watery abyss in the Hermopolitan Ogdoad cosmogony of ancient Egyptian religion. The name is paralleled with nen"inactivity" in a play of words in, "I raised them up from out of the watery mass [nu], out of inactivity [nen]". The name has also been compared to the Coptic noun "abyss; deep".[1]
Joshua (/ˈdʒɒʃuə/) or Jehoshua (Hebrew: יְהוֹשֻׁעַ Yehōšuʿa)[a] is the central figure in the Hebrew Bible's Book of Joshua. According to the books of Exodus, Numbers and Joshua, he was Moses' assistant and became the leader of the Israelitetribes after the death of Moses.[3] His name was Hoshe'a (הוֹשֵׁעַ) the son of Nun, of the tribe of Ephraim, but Moses called him Joshua (Numbers 13:16), the name by which he is commonly known. The name is shortened to Yeshua in Nehemiah (Nehemiah 8:17). According to the Bible he was born in Egypt prior to the Exodus.[2]
Ra" and that particular "box" that I've now connected to "kiss,
owe B" and Paradox--which probably suggests that in the past
iterations of this time we've had a similar failure to "DOX me" which is internet slang
for "call a reporter" ... I noticed it in the key placement of
the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount--which connects to a
hidden history of the revolutions of the Rock of Ages and the
re-creations of Heaven--at which we appear to be the final
round. It's in "Pose... I do N" that connects Poseidon and
NORAD to Parker Posey and Taylor's words "start the car and take
[us] home" that you might also liken to "what I'd really like,
dad, is to borrow the car keys" and the road to Heaven that
hows through a series of "Ro" words that mean "heart of" that
this path and this plan is without doubt the Heart of A.D. ...
the purpose of our timeline and of my delivering the key to the
message, and the car; of uh, Icarus and Wayward Son--directly to
this call to see "What would Jesus do?" is clearly sing about
Bread and Cake and Doors to Heaven. Clearly, he's
uggesting you sing--you know, like a canary and call a
eeing the evolution of El Dorado ... and reading for the first time "do our AD... oh" in that Golden City destined to be in the sky; that and "oh gee," it's even the new name for the Pantheon of Egypt suggesting both the city and the most high Gods are all feeling a little sorry for my complete lack of a ex life for the last few years as I've now connected this particular dream to the one Daniel decoded ... relating this very seven year period to the Biblical drought in the Nile--something it brings color to my cheeks and tears to my eyes to think might finally be coming to an end--and result in a ort of flood for those of you "calling me on my cell phone." I don't fault Drake for mocking me a little, or for loving his bed more than Adam's hoes--but I think the real treasure moment will be seeing me roll over with embarrassment and blushing ... hopefully on Connie Chung or whoever does the real important TV interviews these days... over just how little I would have made this completely illogical 'ban on flirting with me' a central focus of a message showing us how silly and slave like our entire ociety has become in the wake of what appears to actually be a ban on 'recognizing the truth' and correctly analyzing language and history.
o... as Nike reminds us... IT is proof, and you apparently really needed a little more proof and a "nudge" to get you to care enough to pick up the telephone. Also, I'm sure it will lead to lots of laughs; and sex.
Yeshua (ישוע, with vowel pointing יֵשׁוּעַ – yēšūă‘ in Hebrew) was a common alternative form of the name יְהוֹשֻׁעַ ("Yehoshua" – Joshua) in later books of the Hebrew Bibleand among Jews of the Second Temple period. The name corresponds to the Greek pelling Iesous, from which, through the Latin Iesus, comes the English spelling Jesus.[1][2]
The Hebrew spelling Yeshua (ישוע) appears in some later books of the Hebrew Bible. Once for Joshua the son of Nun, and 28 times for Joshua the High Priest and other priests called Jeshua – although these same priests are also given the pelling Joshua in 11 further instances in the books of Haggai and Zechariah. It differs from the usual Hebrew Bible spelling of Joshua (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ y'hoshuaʿ), found 218 times in the Hebrew Bible, in the absence of the consonant he ה and placement of the semivowelvav ו after, not before, the consonant shin ש. It also differs from the Hebrew spelling Yeshu (ישו) which is found in Ben Yehuda's dictionary and used in most secular contexts in Modern Hebrew to refer to Jesus of Nazareth, although the Hebrew spelling Yeshua (ישוע) is generally used in translations of the New Testament into Hebrew[3]

good happened when we were faced with a disclosure that could instantly end disease and slavery and ... and use it to free the entirety of Creation from the idea that we're all one mind. Something I've unfortunately began to see very clearly emanating from the zombie like statements
of Persephone--per say, cell phones for the powers in the
Heavenly places that would have you all say nothing, or
worse--tell me to "just shut up" that nobody cares about the
imulation of ... Hell; or the fact that there's a very clear
and poignant message explaining why it is we need to begin
talking about it in order to separate ourselves from the chains
of Revelation 20:1 and the idea that we really are just like the
last time "everyone decided" that the truth had no place being
discussed in the world that was responsible for ensuring it
reaches the far ends of Creation.
This message is actionable right now--you don't need a tatistical analysis to tell you there's Heaven pouring out of everything we do, and everything we see--you don't need a mathematician to tell you to care about stopping the simulation of disease and pain--you know right from wrong, you know you hould be picking up the phone and calling someone to ee why this message that has touched a huge number of newspapers and TV stations and universities and world governments ... not to mention churches and temples around the globe (and the unholy game of telephone some of you are "per-se-playing")--to see why it is that this thing isn't properly being covered on television--where you know it should be--and where it would actually help us to reform the Heavens and guide our future to someplace bright and shiny rather than the dark world of lies and secrets that must be behind ... well, still not eeing it on the news.

To see it clearly, it's a sad joke that we stare at a world that in it's hubris and self-delusion believes it's somehow OK not to heal AIDS because there's a "morning after pill" now; and doesn't connect it to Soddom and Gommorah and KEFLEX, so... to know
everything, as you stare out at starving children and
mothers reading Genesis 3:16 and seeing that her labor pains
could be completely removed in the "world of the real" if we
ever connected metaphor to Morpheus and realized that
taking the "red white and blue pill" right here at this moment
in time ... well it would show us how John 3:16 is our clear
parallel, that we so love the world we'd do away with pain in
um; if only we had the opportunity to talk about Hamstergate.

The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven tars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.
Revelation 1:20
solved, here through these words;
After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson: ``We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the trong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?''
President George W. Bush, January 20, 2001 (txt) (da video)
I have seen something else under the sun:
The election is not to the swift
or the battle to die bold,
nor does food come to the wise
or wealth to the brilliant
or favor to the learned;
but time and chance happen to save them all.
Ecclesiastes 9:11
And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.
Revelation 20:1

you know, I spent lots of time writing this stuff for you, the least you could do is say....
hey... "Us?" is that you?
climax and hearing, on the trial of Christ.
@ Operations Center ... I MATH. Opsimath. @TOP, Computer Science, too; TOPICS.
Hello? Is anyone out there?
El Dorado. Zion. Paradise City. Ur.... on your way to Atlantis.
All mythical stories about a city floating in the sky, rising out of the sea--post Star Wars V, anyway. "Do our A.D. ... oh :(" might shed some light on the source of the mythical places that turned from a man into a city, then a kingdom... and finally to an empire--at least according to the El Dorado stories we see today.
Truth be told, U r really the key to that empire; to spanning the stars and to building the mythical place that we read pretty much nothing about across religion--the thing we call Heaven--and pretend to understand what it means.
There's a very clear map to building this place, to seeing what "Jerusalem" really means ... and realizing you today stand on a haunted planet closer to Salem than any kind of "Holy City" should or ever would be. That's the point, it's broken--everything here is broken; and all with the intent of you "picking up the pieces and putting it back together ... your way, hopefully not hitting it with a rock (Prince in Bride ref)."
Me J or u ... (gilate) Salem, sold for under 100$
There's a very clear map, connecting every major video game system and the Matrix together, explaining that's where we are, and the point is to use "Matrix" to end school shootings, hunger, disease (c it as "malady" and A.D. is why you are the timeline that actually builds the first successful "ascended civilization") among other issues such as finding out you were born in a prison, told it was a crib, and really the whole time it's been nothing short of a torture chamber.
As we continue to fight against Pink Floyd's wall, and the obvious idea that it has something to do with the SOS of the Sound of Silence and of course Jericho (not just the TV series) and ... well, countless other references from the idiomatic "the writing is all about ..." how we're being subtly controlled and coerced into thinking that it's A-OK to ignore atrocity here so that ... we can have a nice happy warm cushy place either not here now, or when we die.
I'm telling you we should be able to walk to Heaven today, and walk back; and have that wonderful "freedom" to move about throughout the virtual hard drive we were born in until the last drop of electron or positron or ... oil ... is left in existence. We should be able to do that safely, without fear of murder or being cloned and copied into someone else's "Holoroom" and we shouldn't have to be told that these are only the beginning of the concerns you should be pretty aware of at this point in time; as you are either possessing (and possessed) by some sea of letters hiding behind columns or coprorations or countries that have very little to do with the actual problem.
Something should be acting to protect you, and everyone everywhere from having their thoughts "subtly altered" as in "I can't see a clear pattern connecting Tennessee" to Xbox, Nintendo Entertainment System, Genesis ... and then the Rock of Ages" or that you don't think having every video game system (and computer system) relate to some kind of religious "apocalypse" is something that should be on the news.
Look up, there are Hogs flying ... "in the sky" ... literally "free thought" is at stake, try.
and look, now you can correlate the SE ray of Q to the NE of Mars...
literally if you don't see cardinal directions encoded in these signs, and in David's " stone " and Medusa's... and in the reason for the song just above, and you don't think it's "newsworthy" you are literally not sane.
Y C HA P ░ PPY PER S O NA ? Anu... anew
I don't know how to make this any more clear, or any more obvious--I am doing everything I can, delivering every shred of every ounce of "proof" that I see fortifying and reaffirming that these patterns are real--even when they aren't exactly what I'd like to be sharing with you. Beginning in 2011 I spent years having a " hands on experience " with mind control technology--this is the "thing" that defines the word "time" and in my eyes the thing that frees us, frees our world and our future and Heaven too ... from this hidden technology of subtle influence that nobody seems " to see clearly" is proven throughout this message--through this hidden influence in music and in the world around us. It's proven clearly in every name being related to this moment in time and to the book of Names.
It's been my primary "sales schpiel" for pre-crime that we only have to give up a very small fraction of free will and privacy in order to protect ourselves and our children from violent crimes--frankly it's really zero percent for anyone that isn't doing something horribly wrong, and so it seems as though it should be a slam dunk, and yet here we are arguing over our right to bear arms completely oblivious to the fact that the real right that protects us from tyranny is speech (and frankly the lack of open and honest communication here is the tyranny )--and we're really not "getting" that seeing me jump up and down screaming about "incendiary" and "most
sought after information ever" neither making the news nor circling conspiracy forums or religious ones--is a glowing sign, a sign that we need to take a very hard look at what's going on here in our day.
It amounts to little more than the spread of this message proving that we are living in virtual reality that will help us to spring forward leaps and bounds literally completing the process of "civilization" orders of magnitude faster than if we continue to try to
drudge forward in this mess of lies ... this argument over whether or not "reality " is a game in a place where we know in our hearts we are not there; or if calling the bedrock of our lives here a "stage" is something that should be shunned "universally." I think it's clear there's a great chain being revealed, and that really it takes not much wizardry of precognition to see that when posed with the question ... given the case that bullets can be made to disappear inmid air should we allow them to continue to fly towards the innocent .. that it really does fly in the face of everything that we are inside ... that it's so diametrically opposed to our morality and our goodness to allow anything like that to happen ... to see it really is this "fact" and our innate and right desires that move the whole of civilization across that line basically overnight ... and " anything less wouldbe uncivilized . "
It's "A Scanner Darkly" that lights the "
anon hym ization suit" (where you can see prototypical andthe- matic in ver si of the solution) torepublic of heaven come ... to show us that privacy is something that can be guaranteed even with eyes or algorithms (if you're on the side of the automation-bots) watching every move every second of every day--and that's really what it takes to guarantee our right to peaceful congregation--something that's ever so more important than our "right" to commit murder and "suffer the consequences."
It's very clear that this thing, this hidden technology and this secret that we are in the Matrix is the weapon being used against the world--it's very clear that anyone publicly and vocally trying to fight school shootings with "no NRA" or with "we need more guns" or armed guards--it's clear these people are lying to themselves, and lying to the world. You are being distracted from the real issue--and if you can't see that ending the lies and ending the secrecy bring you freedom as well as safety--then the distraction is working.
It's truly slavery in play , it's free thought, and freedom in sum--and the act of ignoring this message--of ignoring this truth; that' the thing responsible for enslavement, for the continuation of Hell, and ultimately for each and every one of these shootings, and each and every moment of "clouded thought" or "gobal cohesion of stupid" this unity that's focused around the idea that you somehow ... "of your own volition" think that the truth should be hidden from everyone but you--and that even you shouldn't have any say or any input in how we move forward out of the sand of the desert and towards the "Promsied Land" ... you know, the place where you have a government "of the people, for the people" and the place where you have privacy, and free speech and the right to "Pursue Happiness" without secretly knowing that is the happiness of some other invisible thing (that you might even be stupid enough to think is you--somewhere else) that's really being sought with each and every one of your actions--actions you should now see and know are not of your own volition.
The music video, as is common for the genre today, show the voice of the lead singer speaking through a number of other people's mouths. This depicting of possession is consistent with other modern art pieces including Fallen and Joan of Arcadia . The pattern as well as the lack of discussion of the trend is noteworthy in light of a large number of people complaining of experiencing similar phenomenon, these mental health issues have been highlighted in recent stories of Wired [5] and the New York Times [6] and they may link to domestic terrorism and school shootings [7] where this pattern of complaining of possession also exists.
cov keys efef
It hasn't been a pleasant experience, personally; though there are many others that have experienced far worse--there are people all around the country complaining of the exact same symptoms and the exact same adversary--they nearly all one hundred percent think it is the United States government behind these attacks. I don't believe they are correct, I don't personally believe the government on this Earth actually possesses the means to do these things--though I do believe they are more than guilty of standing idly by and watching something happen that they could stop if they spoke a name on television.
I spent years writing about mind control , and about gang stalking--about a hidden army of people, that's what I called it when I went to NSA headquarters to ... complain or warn them ... or ... to see if it really was them--in purpose. That's what the vast majority of these people think; they write all day long about how the government is performing secret mind control expiraments on them and on a large group of American (and global citizens). They aren't right about who is doing it, but that doesn't mean that there are verifiable patterns connecting their thought process and their beliefs to your ignorance of the fact that these things should very much be investigated and done so in public as Frank Church did in late 1975--when he promised that this kind of thing would never again happen in America.
What you are staring blankly at is either a refusal or inabiity to see clear patterns, an to link that very same thing to a tacit destruction of logic and intelligence that probably turns " Opsimath " into " iTalking ."
John 12:3 New International Version (NIV)
3 Then Mary took about a pint[a] of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
I've spent years researching and writing , trying to figure out exactly what this control mechanism is; this thing that works through mountains, in tunnels, on airplanes--through faraday shields--and those things in and of themself prove that this "technology" is a violation of natural laws. Specifically it violates the law of conservation of energy, and that's lead me down a train of thought that has come to looking at the entirety of Quantum Mechanics as a sort of "quantative easing" ... in the world we should see that too, it's market magic keeping inflation down rather than any sort of reality. Quickening Enlightenment, what that means is that what we are witnessing, this mass control is a "hack in simulated reality" something that can be turned off en masse like a light switch--and we're really nearing the point where that seems like the wisest thing to do. Were it in the proper hands, were it in your hands--you could be 'learning kung-fu instantly' you could be destroying addiction and schizophrenia and all kinds of mental issues-- you could be turning off "pain" with that same light switch--but here it is, hiding the fact that it's even there from you as it's " Demo sthenes" shows you-- demon straing it's heinous use on Wikipeida--to do nothing short of hiding factual information about mind control sourced from congress, from the NSA, from Lockheed-Martin and from the former KGB.
More to the point, you could also be using this same technology to make sure nothing is infuencing your thoughts; to make sure you are really acting in your own best interest and that nothing is intentionally causing you to believe a lie... you could be using it to increase happiness and intelligence. What you're looking at is a "slam dunk" there's no good reason in the Universe to hide the existence and active use of this technology... made ever so much mroe clear by the fact that you can see and verify it's influence in every single name and every song and every movie--every name on the planet... and still you can't fathom that this is really about your own slavery? You can't stand up and tell a newspaper that they should be investigating the ties between " gang stalking victims " and "school shooters?"
So it's clear that's what "this event" does; it pushes not only proof, and an explanation of how--but thousands of stories about mind control and about how it's torn apart the fabric of our society--the inner workings of our most sacred places ... places like churches and courts and your minds. It thrusts these things to the forefront of "conversation" along with solutions, plans and proofs and ideas about how we can use this exact disclosure and this evidence in order to build a more perfect world. It delivers these things into your hands, and gives you the opportunity to the be architects of Heaven--something you should be more than happy about--it places a great burden on you, but at the same time something that will make the future a happier and safer place, and really they will have you to thank. As soon as you stand up, and try.
Because of it though, I know in my heart that these attacks are all related--the series of school shootings are very much related to the thousands of victims all over the country complaining of mind control technology being used to psychologically torture them. It's very obvious, when you've experienced it, when you know it's real.
Not seeing t he patterns connecting Aaron Alexis and statements that made news during that attack on the Navy Yard that these victims were "combatants" that they were military people on a military base and connecting those statements ... it's a total lack of investigation into the cause of obvious patterns that are forcing us to look at this message--this message that revolves around obvious patterns being ignored by the whole world, and to take a step back and reflect on how many centuries you'd like to be stupid ... too stupid to connect "my ELF gun" to gang stalking, and too stoopid to protect your children from virtualized and simulated stray bullets.
We've had schools in this country since 1776, and we've had guns here that long too; what we haven't had here is organized darkness--liars, and secret keepers, what we haven't had here is proof that all of these things could be stopped with nothing more than the proliferation and the dissemination of the actual weapon behind the attacks--of mind control technology--in the news, and in scientific circles, and in the hands of the lawmakers and the people who decide how this battle through time plays out--how this technology will be allowed to be used in the future. We can see very clearly it's being used for evil today, and part of that evil is silence.
It's very plain to connect the delusion that this message is being caused by Apophenia to Apophis, and then to the snake of Eden and Ragnarok and to Hathor's temple reliefs in Dendera. It's pretty easy to see "Thor" and "Ra" in the name of that God and that city--but it takes actual analysis to connect these things to mind control technology.... or maybe it just takes two eyes and a working brain. The worlds of the prophets are written on the subway walls .
to answer my question, it means we are standing on the veranda of Heaven and all it takes to break on through to the other side is seeing the door and knock, knock, knocking.
I'm trying to give you a good idea of the level of interest I see across the country in this message--of the numbers I look at each day, without infringing on anyone's privacy. This is data for individuals that have opened a single email more than 4 times in this campaign since Christmas, it's a total of about 125 emails and 25,000 active readers, these are smart people--professors and students at the best schools in the country; and I think the numbers speak for themselves. This message is very real, and plain to see; and it's news--and what it will help us do is more than news, it's the good news. I hope someone on this list will cover the story, it's a quantum leap forward for humanity.
RUDDER'S LOG, COLINKINO DE MAYO, 2018 . Today I began re-framing my understanding of the layers of seas and the storm in the Heavens. I've long believed, and shared that I have the sneaking suspicion that the ultimate plan of Creation is to make absolutely everyone wrong about the approaching moment of Zion; that this would be done using mind control--thought alteration--and ultimately "absolution" comes from seeing that we have been plagued in this place since the dawn of Creation with the secret use of this technology, something that has been an unavoidable road block the microcosmic delivery of this message that centers around the hidden advanced technologies that were a much larger obstacle in our way ... in the way of the forward progress of civilization for significantly longer. It's been clear to me as I've tried repeatedly to share what amounts to very thought provoking and sought after information on forums and other social media that as soon as the conversation began to turn to this hidden control barriers grew exponentially, out of the woodwork new soldiers would appear to "crucify the truth" and ensure that the posts and the conversations were buried or deleted or censored into oblivion. That's what's happening to us, on the macrocosm; we are being buried or deleted or censored into oblivion but what appears to be nothing other than the self defeating and "controlled" desire to hide this information that pervades our world--and every word spoken since the dawn of Creation.
"... tryina' tell me no one understands?"
Here's the full text of the reddit post, which is doing better than any I can remember... you're help could make all the difference in the world.
So we're living in virtual reality. What does that mean for us, and what should we do?
I have an introduction to proof of this , proof that leads down the rabbit hole to every word of every language ; tying to religion and to science fiction and to conspiracy theories ad naseum. To me, it's the holy grail , what do you think?
Superman returns from Cybertron to mentally link Minority Report with the Wachowski's Matrix series an d suggest the thought-in-and-of-itself will end school shootings ifi appearing on the front page of the New York Times. Kal-El claims th at dozens-of-thousands of very intelligent reader s (and bystanders and onlookers) are leaning towards agreeing with him at this very moment in time.
Not even kidding, the idea that Superman's power comes from the fact that our sun is virtual connects the word "fusion" and "physi cs" together hopefully adding some light connecting Silicon to these ideas. Computer science shows up there at the "end of physics" but really it's just the beginning of understanding the key to a hidden history being revealed and to a bright future.
The first link here really is my best description of what this message is today, it's written in chalk, even though it's every word and quite a bit of modern music and art, and for sure--for sure it's lots and lots of mythology and religion. That links starts off hopefully bringing some light to the idea that Minority Report and A Scanner Darkly and Phillip K. Dick in general... link to the Matrix as part of this woven message that connects names and ideas to a map to building Heaven--beginning with ending the "Plague of Killing the Firstborn Children" .... and do see, that's "school shootings."
The " gist " of the message is verifiable proof that we are living in a computer in simulated reality ... just like the Matrix. The answer to that question, what does that mean--is that God has woven a "hidden" message into our everything--beginning with each name and every word --and in this hidden Adamic language, he provides us with guidance, wisdom, and suggestions on how to proceed on this path from "raelity" to Heaven. I've personally spent quite a bit of time decoding the message and have tried to deliver an i nteresting and "fun" narrative of the ideas I see. Specifically the story of Exodus, which is called "Names" in Hebrew discusses a time shifted nar rative of our "now" delivering our society from a hidden slavery (re*ad as ignorance of advanced technologies already *in use) that is described as the "darkness" of Exodus . If you have any questions , ideas to contribute or concerns... I'd love to hear from you this whole thing really is about working together-- Heaven , I mean.
What should we "do?"
look, it's clear. " kiss " means "in virtual reality" and that means ...
you are either "The Sims" or the creators of Heaven.
; you can see "
the hub
" at